Hanmer is this Weekend! ..We're looking forward to see you all soon. This weekend will be a very full house with over 250+ Latin dancers. Treat yourself to the amazing hot pools and pace yourself, this is a loaded weekend!
Online Sales may have SOLD OUT, but If you haven't bought any kind of pass/ticket you can still try your luck at the door, there may be a line up. Remember at the event its 'Cash Only' . Please check-in nice and early when getting your pass/ticket. Please be early to workshops to ensure your participation.
- Party Only Passes just FINISHED - Door Cash Sales Only >
- Full passes & Workshops SOLD OUT - Door Cash Sales Only > - If you bought a pass in 2021 & didn't refund, yes it is Valid for this event! your name(s) will be on the list at reception.
- You can now login to this website to see any purchases.
- Transfers to others No Longer Available for any kind of pass... see terms & conditions >
- Masks are not required for entry nor required for participation, Latin dance is a sport & exercise. If you are sick please do avoid coming.
- New Instagram Account Launched - We will be posting updates from the weekend on our new Instagram account please do hash tag #hanmersalsa & @Hanmersalsa
